As the competition began, door guards checked back tags, known in the dance world as competitor numbers, and made final calls for late entries. Tardiness was rarely accepted as 8,057 entries crossed...
For farms struggling to find enough employees or looking for more flexibility in their daily routine, robotic milking systems have become an intriguing option
When a person decides to become a dairy farmer, they aren't choosing just a career but a lifestyle. As many of you know, dairy farming is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week job. Most dairymen and women live...
Some feed efficiency factors are easy to overlook. DaireXnet article dove into a few of the feed efficiency factors that have an impact on farm economics, but are not always top of the mind the others...
It's about the experience, regardless of location. Take the farm to the people, instead of taking the people to the farm. June Dairy month brings excitement as the public sets foot on real dairies during...
Custom hire is a smart business decision for our farm. While my husband and I milked our cows last night, a swather zipped through our fields, mowing down our first crop of alfalfa, along with the triticale...
As one of the biggest variables in calf care, the proper timing for weaning can be widely inconstant from calf to calf. Weaning is definitely not a one-size-fits-all activity. In fact, there are almost...
Farmers are a lot like baseball team managers, working hard to keep their top performers healthy and "on the field." I like to think of my milking herd groups like baseball teams and myself as the team...
This June Dairy Month, share the steps you take to ensure a delicious and nutritious product. As we say goodbye to May and hello to June, it signals the time to celebrate June Dairy Month. Personally,...
Top animal welfare expert praises animal care, impressed with newest lameness research. Temple Grandin visits Vir-Clar Farm in Fond du Lac, Wis. "I saw dairy cows who have a wonderful life today." That's...
The standard of excellence begins with the boss when it comes to animal welfare. What's the hardest part of initiating a training program for animal welfare on today's dairies? If you ask Luís Mendonça,...
During the heat and humidity of summer, extra measures are taken to care for cows before and after calving. Ninety-eight degrees in Georgia feels a good bit different than 98° in California. In Georgia,...
Housing that satisfies a cow's most basic needs- fresh air, feed, water, and resting space- is worth the investment. "Dairy housing design must focus on cow needs." That was the message of John Tyson's...
The Washington Post reporter left countless positive comments about the dairy industry out of his article. Temple had the email evidence to prove it. The last thing I expected when I wrote my blog about...
Regular maintenance helps us maintain our freestall barn in top working condition. We moved from a pasture based operation to our conventional freestall barn in 2009. At that time, a dairyman friend of...
It doesn't come naturally to most people, but delegation is essential to effective team leadership. Most of us, at some point in our lives, will find ourselves in a leadership position. While many dairy...
If I ever lose my sense of wonder about a newborn calf or the first time we turn out our herd to graze in spring, then it's time for me to change occupations. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens....
Mental health issues are more prevalent in nonmeat eaters. Vegetarians are crazy! That might be the sentiment of those who relish a succulent steak and cannot fathom eliminating beef, lamb, pork, or poultry...
A recent interview in The Washington Post with the renowned animal welfare specialist leaves many in dairy circles with unanswered questions. With all due respect to Temple Grandin, and the research she...